Mac software for raw photos
Mac software for raw photos

mac software for raw photos

Personally, I've got Photoshop on my Mac at work and use Adobe's Bridge, a companion piece that has come with Ps for the last 4-5 versions, as a browser when I need to see thumbnail views of images.

mac software for raw photos

There is an overall KISS design orientation in much of Apple's software that may be at play here. It may be that they fear that users will confused when Finder can show a preview but Photos can't process the image. Other utilities likely take a trial-and-terror approach of trying to get the JPEG preview from any and all RAW files. Those "unknown" RAW flavors aren't on its "good guys" list and it doesn't have any "oh, they only want a preview so dig and see if one can be extracted anyway" logic. It may well be that the design is such that it doesn't get the embedded JPEGs from RAWs it doesn't support for demosaicing, even though it might be able to. Either way, it is the independent RAW processing engine that is tasked with providing the thumbnail. It leverages a OS service to get the RAW thumbnails, or perhaps leverages a service that creates thumbnails for all image files that itself "sub-contracts" the job for RAW files to OS's RAW processing engine.


Step two is to always expect to have to upgrade all RAW conversion software and, in the case of MacOSX machines, the OS any time you add a new camera to your kit.įinder doesn't do the heavy lifting. Access the "Apple" menu in the top right corner of the menu bar and select About this Mac. Step one should be to find out what OS the friend is using. Upgrading the OS will likely cure the problem. If the OP's friend doesn't see previews on the files from his rather newish GH4 it is likely that his OS is older than the camera. New cameras' RAW files won't display previews in Finder and can't be processed by apps like Photos on older releases of the OS or on newer releases that aren't updated adequately. Most MacOSX software (all of Apple's, including Finder) rely on the OS's own inbuilt RAW conversion engine. Also, OS's vary in their abilities and foibles from version to version so providing exact detail as to which OS is involved is critical to resolving most issues or even recommending software. When discussing issues like the one in this thread you need to under stand that GH4 RW2 files are not like any other RW2 file. With the exception of DNG files, all RAW files are camera specific.

Mac software for raw photos